Friday, January 31, 2014

Revolution Brewery

Located in Chicago, IL.
Wait, didn't I say this was about Colorado beer? Yes, yes I did say that; but let's be real here. The best beers aren't just found in Colorado, they're everywhere. Revolution has some great beers. Sadly, I'm not here to talk about their beer, taste it for yourself if you want to know how it is. I'm here to talk about what they do online. This is my first blog so bear with me, it may be rough around the edges.

Revolution Brewery boasts over 6,000 organic click-thru's a month. Is that a lot? To be honest, I haven't researched other breweries yet, that will come in time, you'll just have to follow my blog to find out. Although considering that is purely organic I would say it's not too shabby.  Too bad this isn't quite from external links bringing people to their website. This is mainly from Google.  Can you imagine if they had more external links, more people writing about them online, news articles and blogs included (hey, kind of like this one). Maybe they are trying, maybe they aren't, but they should. Links are the number one contributor to SEO, just like the link below to their website, that will boost their rankings, not much but a little; everything helps.

So their external links could use some help, what about their Twitter? They run that thing with an iron fist. It's miraculous. That little guy kept me intrigued with the brewery. They talk to several people on there, always wanting to know what their customers are doing and what's going on. That takes a lot of man and woman power to monitor Twitter so well. If that isn't promotion at it's finest then I don't know what is. So check out their Twitter, you could learn some things from it.

If you want to keep up with other breweries and their efforts, stay in touch, follow this blog...or don't your call.

Revolution Brewery

The ramblings of one hoppy guy,